Saturday, July 27, 2013

Homemade Hippy: Natural Tea Tree and Lavender Deodorant

For today's Homemade Hippy post, I'm taking it on the road! Kristyn from Milk & Crown has invited me to do a guest post for her, so you can head over there to get the full recipe and instructions!

Happy Weekend!

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Currently Craving: Carry-All Totes

 I'm a huge fan of carrying a bag that hold everything and anything I might need. And I really mean anything. My current cross-body bag not only holds my wallet, keys, phone, etc, but also has to bear the burden of a book or two, knuts, random coasters from bars, 10 chap sticks, and an assortment of other odds and ends. The poor thing is about to burst at the seams! Which is why I've been in the market for a sturdy tote; one that would be able to handle my tendency to carry the world on my shoulder and look good doing so.
Check out the ones I've been eying below, and let me know, would you recommend any others?


Goodwinn tote from J. Crew // Classic transport tote from Madewell

I think the Madewell tote is still winning this round for me, what do you guys think?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hello, beautiful eyes. Mind if I party with you?

Introducing the newest roommate in apartment 161: Marney! My roommates and I have talked about fostering for some time now, given our mutual love for dogs as well as the knowledge that adoption wouldn't be practical at this time. So, this beautiful girl will be staying with us until we can find her a forever home, and I couldn't be happier about it!! She's so well behaved and just wants to cuddle all day long (no complaints here!). 

She likes to play..
..but she loves to snooze

Right now we're working with her on basic commands (24 hours in and she can already sit! I'm so proud!) and house breaking (eek), and so far she's been up for the challenge. So, if anyone has some good training tips, I'd love to hear them!

Oh, and I'll warn you now, there will be plenty more picture of her to come :)

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Holy blogging slump, Batman! 10 days without a new post, what's going on around here?? It'd be easy to make the excuse that I haven't been doing much, so I don;t have much to write about, but really the opposite is true! I feel like I've been jamming so many activities into this Summer, I haven't given myself time to stop and write about it. I suppose that's not the worst problem to have, but that being said, I'm really looking forward to this weekend when I have nothing on the agenda besides finishing some house projects and going to the farmer's market :)

You're all saints for putting up with my inconsistent ways this Summer; I promise to pay you back soon!

 Finally made it to the beach for the day this past weekend

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Currently Craving: Jewlery by Bario Neal

One of my favorite blogs A Cup of  Jo is hosting a fabulous giveaway today featuring the Philadelphia based jewelery studio Bario Neal. This was my first introduction to their work, and I am already smitten with every piece, my favorite being the Notch Necklace (below).

Photos from Bario Neal's website

Their delicate, yet intricate and refined, pieces are enough to have me swooning, but what makes me really love this shop is their commitment to creating these beautiful pieces ethically. Per their site, each piece is handmade using "reclaimed precious metals, ethically sourced stones, and low-impact, environmentally conscious practices," which means that you never have to choose between what looks good and what feels right.

Check out their site and let me know if anything catches your eye! And be sure to enter the giveaway on A Cup of Jo, so that you can bring one home :)

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Photos from my Weekend 6.28 - 6.30: NYC Edition

If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, then you probably already knew that I spent my weekend visiting friends up in Hoboken/NYC (and if you don't, then what are you waiting for?!). We had a jam packed weekend that has left me very sleepy but very, very happy. From lounging on the pier to a bar with a mechanical bull (really hoping that video doesn't surface :/ ), this weekend was certainly one to remember! Unfortunately my camera only made it out on Sunday when a few of us took a little trip over to Manhattan on a two-fold mission: 1. to get cupcakes, and 2. to check out the Pride Parade. Missions accomplished!

I hope you all had fun weekends as well!

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